Past Events

Presentations Sponsored or Co-Sponsored by the York Collegium for Public Ethics (2013-present)


November 20, 2024, noon to 1:30 p.m. Zoom panel on "Assessing the Results of the US Election"

Panelists: Rodney Loeppky, teaches in the Department of Politics, York University, and is the author of A Deal They Can't Resist: Adaptive Accumulation and US Public Policy (DeGruyeter, 2022); Nathaniel Denaro, a law student at Osgoode Hall Law School, whose graduate studies focused on the evolution of the American working class; and Philip MacEwen, Co-Editor of the Canadian Journal of Practical Philosophy,  and Director of the York Collegium for Public Ethics.

October 30, 2024, noon to 1:30 p.m. in person and via Zoom: Panel on upcoming U.S. Election

Panelists: Nathaliel Denaro, J.D. Candidate at Osgoode Hall Law School, Robert Drummond, University Professor Emeritus, and Philip MacEwen, Co-Editor of the Canadian Journal of Practical Philosophy, and Director of the York Collegium for Public Ethics

February 21, 2024, 5 p.m. via Zoom: York Collegium for Public Ethics Feb 21 panel

Was the February 2022 Declaration of Emergency Illegal? Did It Violate Charter Rights? The Rouleau Commission 2023 said NO and NO. Federal Court Justice Mosely 2024 said YES and YES.

And both recommended amendments to the Emergencies Act


Bruce Ryder is a lawyer and member of the faculty at Osgoode Hall Law School with expertise in human rights and constitutional law.

Lawyer Greg Levine has years of experience as an ethics commissioner, counsel to ombudsmen, and has written books on the law of government ethics.

Ian Greene was a founder of the School of Public Policy and Administration at York University and has authored books on the Charter of Rights and Ethics in Politics.

Link to presentation:


November 2: What is an Ombuds Office? Understanding the role of York U’s Ombudsperson

York University Office of the Ombudsperson is a confidential, impartial and independent resource for university community members (students, staff and faculty), providing advice and guidance about university-related concerns. The central role of the office is to ensure fairness in university decision-making processes in the university. The Office assists community members to explore and evaluate options and determine the appropriate course of action to resolve concerns.

Kemi Oke is an experienced Ombudsperson. She previously held the role of Associate Ombudsperson and Ombudsperson at other institutions of higher education.


October 25: Panel Presentation: "Municipal Accountability at the Crossroads: Harassment, Human Rights and Municipal Codes of Conduct." Panelists: Municipal Integrity Commissioners Suzanne Craig, Melinda Munro and Sherri Walsh. Organized and Chaired by Robert Kenedy, Professor in Dept. of Sociology. Click for video and here for poster.

February 17: Panel Presentation. “The First Year of the Biden Administration”. Panelists: Robert Drummond, Arthur Haberman, Benjamin Lowinsky, and David Leyton-Brown, Faculty Members, York University. Organized by Philip MacEwen. Click for video.

February 3: Joel Michael Reynolds, Assistant Professor of Philosophy and Disability Studies at Georgetown University, Department of Philosophy, Georgetown University, "Bioethics and the Very Concept of Disability" (organized by Andrew Molas). Click for video.

January 18: Bruce Preston, "Ethics: The Impact of COVID-19 on the Courts in Canada." Click for video.


January 20: Justice Frank Marrocco and Kate McGrann, "The Collingwood Judicial Inquiry: Public Trust and Municipal Ethics." Click for video.

February 24: Sydney Campbell, "COVID-19 and Injustices Experienced by Children and Youth." Click for video.

March 10: George Fallis, "Democratic Politics, Ethics, and Expertise: Reflections on Canada's Fight Against COVID-19." Click for video.

March 11:  Angelo Caravaggio and Ken Andersen, "Policing at the Brink." Click for video.

March 18: Panel Presentation: "The Fourth Year of the Trump Administration". Panelists: Robert Drummond, Ian Greene, Ben Lowinsky, Stephen Newman, and David Leyton-Brown. Chaired by Philip MacEwen, and moderated by James Simeon. Click for video.

October 27: Panel Presentation: “Public Good and the Role of Integrity Commissioners During COVID: Guns for Hire or Beacons of Hope?”. Panelists: Suzanne Craig, Guy Giorno and Melinda Munro (organized by Rob Kenedy). Click for video.

November 9: Jordan Joseph Wadden, PhD Candidate in Philosophy, UBC, "Advanced AI and Healthcare: Is Consent in Jeopardy?" (organized by Andrew Molas). Click for video.

November 10: Kathleen Lowenstein, PhD candidate in Philosophy, Michigan State University, "Engaging the Margins: Critical Disability Studies, Mad studies, and Bioethics", (organized by Andrew Molas). Click for video.


The 2020 Fall Semester was very busy, given the adversity we faced from the COVID-19 lockdown. There were three virtual presentations: 1) Michael Bryant spoke on "Emergency Management and Civil Liberties" on November 18th, 2) Robert Drummond, Ian Greene, David Leyton-Brown, and Stephen Newman formed a panel, addressing the topic, "The Election of Elections?", on November 19th, and 3) Emma Posca presented on "Indigenous Women's Resistance to Colonialism and Whiteness" on December 2nd. All these presentations were well attended with some excellent interaction between the speakers and their audiences.

Wednesday, March 4 - Ian Greene, Justice Lorne Sossin, Lorna Marsden, Saeed Rahnema"Should there be any limits to freedom of speech at Universities?" - Details here.

Wednesday, February 12 - Marc Gold, "The Independence of the Senate: Principle, Policy, and Politics." - Details here.

Tuesday, January 21 - Shoshana Elharar - “Tel Aviv: Beyond Borders, Between Borders.” Click for Video.

Wednesday, January 15 - Hon. Mr Justice Michael Tulloch - "Policing and Public Policy: Understanding the Significance of the Independent Police Oversight and Street Checks Reviews." Click for Video.


Thursday, November 28 - Gregory Tardi (Executive Director, Institute of Parliamentary and Political Law, and Executive Editor, Journal of Parliamentary and Political Law) - "Political Law: A Very Short Introduction.” Click for Video.

Wednesday, November 20 - Valerie Jepson (Integrity Commissioner, City of Toronto) - "The Toronto Office of the Integrity Commissioner: Fruits of a Major Public Inquiry.” Click for Video.

Thursday, November 14 - Ian MacDonald (President Emeritus, York University, 1974-1984, Professor Emeritus of Economics and Public Policy, York University) - “Ethics: My Beliefs from Life and Learning.” Click for Video.

Wednesday, November 13 - Derek Lett (Director of Operations, Outreach, and Education, Office of the Integrity Commissioner, Province of Ontario) - "Ontario’s Ethical Framework and Public Service in Turbulent Times.” Click for Video.

Monday, November 11 - George Blake (a graduate of the Royal Military College of Canada) - "Special Remembrance Day Presentation: Here’s to Heroes." Click for Video.

Thursday, November 7 - Joey Coleman (Canada's first crowd-funded local journalist) - "Too Much Transparency in Policy Making? How Municipal Government’s Messy Policy Making an Improve Public Confidence in Public Institutions." Click for Video.

Tuesday, November 5 - Michael Giudice, Associate Professor of Philosophy, York University, "Social Reconstruction of State-Indigenous Legal Relations in Canada.” Click for Video.

Friday, October 11 - Gregory J. Levine (former Integrity commissioner for several Ontario municipalities) - "Improper Influences of Office: Laws, Codes, and Cases.”

Tuesday, September 24 - Ian Greene (Professor Emeritus of Political Science and Public Policy, York University) - "Beverley McLachlin: The Legacy of a Supreme Court Justice." Click for Video.

Wednesday, September 11 - Ian Stedman (PhD student, Osgoode Hall Law School, York University) - "Does Anyone Really Care About government Ethics Law?” Click for Video.

Wednesday, March 6 - Suzanne Craig, Sandhya Kohli, Rob Kenedy -
"Ethics Commissioners in the Era of Multiculturalism: Praxis and Conduct in an Orwellian Context". Click for Video.

Thursday, February 28 -  Ian Greene, Robert Drummond, David Leyton-Brown, Benjamin Lowinsky, Philip MacEwen - “Second Year of Trump Administration". Click for Video.

Tuesday, January 22 - Dr. Andria Bianchi - "Considering the Ethical Complexities of People with Dementia and Sexual Consent". Click for Video.


September 26 - Greg Levine (Lawyer) - "Conflict of Interest: A Reflection." Click for Video.

Wednesday, February 28 - Bob Tarantino (Dentons Canada LLP) - "Judging A.I.: Ethics and Accountability for Legal Algorithms." Details here. Click for video.

Wednesday, February 14 - William van Wijngaarden (York University, Physics) - "Climate Change: What on Earth is Going On?" - Download poster here. Click for Video.

Wednesday, February 7 - Olivia Schuman (PhD Candidate in Philosophy at York University) - "Donor Anonymity in Canada: Practical and Moral Considerations" - Download poster here. Click for Video.

Wednesday, January 31 - William Wong (Deputy Parliamentary Counsel, Table Research Office at Legislative Assembly of Ontario) - "A Legislative Island in an Ocean of Government: Service to the Speaker of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario and the Office of the Assembly" - Details here.

Monday, January 22 -  Ian Greene, Stephen Newman, Robert Drummond, David Leyton-Brown, Jerry Ginsberg - "The First Anniversary of the Trump Presidency." Click for Video.


Wednesday, September 27 - Gregory Levine - "Codes, Commissioners and the State of the Municipal Ethics Regime in Ontario in 2017." Download poster here. Click for Video.

Wednesday, October 25 - Kevin Donovan (Editor, Investigations at The Star) - "The Law and Ethics of Investigative Journalism." - Download poster here. Click for Video.

Wednesday, November 22 - Joy Kirchner (Dean of Libraries, YorkU) and Andrea Kosavic (Interim Associate Dean of Libraries, Digital Engagement and Strategy) - "Open Data in Context: Balancing the Benefits of Openness" - Download poster here. Click for Video.

Tuesday, November 29 - Professor Chris MacDonald (Ted Rogers School of Management at Ryerson University) - "Should Corporations punish Employees for Off-Duty Wrongs? Or, Should Murder be a Firing Offence?" - Download poster here. Click for Video.

March 14 - Professor Scott Forsyth - "Film in Politics / Politics in Film: From Battleship Potemkin to Captain America." Details available here. Click for Video.

March 8 - York President Emeritus H. Ian Macdonald - "Ethical Issues as Seen Through the Eyes of an Academically Inclined Administrator." Details available here.  Click for Video.

March 7 - Professor Ray Rogers - "Are Environmentalists Hysterical or Paranoid? Metaphors of Care and Nature Conservation." Details available here. Click for Video.

March 1 - A panel consisting of esteemed McLaughlin College Fellows Robert Drummond, Jerry Ginsburg, Ian Greene, David Leyton-Brown and Stephen Newman -  "The Trump Transition" - Details available here. Click for Video.

February 14 - Professor Robert McDermid - "For the Love of Money." Details available here. Click for Video.


November 2 - Jacob Blum gave a talk about his experience working for and blowing the whistle at Ontario's Air Ambulance operator, Ornge. Details available here. 

November 16 - Professor Emeritus and Senior Scholar Wes Cragg - "Oil Pipelines and Pipe Dreams: What is the Real Issue?" Details available here. Click for  Video.

November 23 -  Professor Ronald E. Pearlman's lecture at Osgoode Hall Law School entitled "Genome Engineering and Its Applications Including Legal and Ethical Issues". Click for Video.

Tuesday, October 25 -  Jennifer Brant - "Bringing Honour to Our "Sisters in Spirit" 
View Talk Poster - Click for Video.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016
The Honourable Justice David Wake (Integrity Commissioner of Ontario) - "Judicial and Government Ethics In Ontario." View Talk Poster - Click for Video.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016
Philip MacEwen (co co-ordinator of the YCPE) - "The Ethics of Commercial and Civilian Drones." View Talk Poster - Click for Video.

September 29-30 - The YCPE helped to organize a Public Sector Ethics Conference that was held at the University of Toronto Law School. Details available here.

Thursday, September 29 - Alan Sherman (Vaughan city councilor) - "Practical and Practicing Ethics: The Development, Implementation and Operation of a Municipal Ethics Program From a Councillor's Perspective." View Talk Poster. Click for Video.

Wednesday, September 28 - University Professor Emeritus Ian Greene - "Political Scandals in Canada and What we Learned from Them." View Talk Poster. Click for Video.

Thursday, March 17 - Gregory Levine (Lawyer) - "The Law of Government Ethics Nine Years On." View Talk Poster. Click for Video.

Thursday, February 25 - Gregory Tardi (Senior Parliamentary Counsel in the Legal Services of the House of Commons) - "Political Law - A Very Short Introduction." View Talk Poster

Wednesday, February 24 - A panel discussion with: Debbie Douglas (Executive Director, Ontario Council of Agencies Serving Immigrant (OCASI)), Olivia Chow (Distinguished Visiting Professor, Ryerson University and former MPP and Councillor, City of Toronto), Hon. Zanana Akande (Former MPP, former educator and School Principal), Hon. Alvin Curling (The former Speaker of the Ontario Legislature, MPP, and Canadian Envoy to the Dominican Republic, and educator), James C. Simeon (Director, School of Public Policy and Administration, York University) - "UN World Day of Social Justice & Black History Month Celebrations." Click for Video


Wednesday, December 2 - Professor Peter Constantinou - "Learning by doing: Reflections on 20 years of bringing theory and practice together." Click for Video.

Wednesday, November 4 -  JoAnn Miller-Reid (Assistant Deputy Minister of the Youth Justice Services Division, Ministry of Children and Youth Services in Ontario) - "Reimagining Youth Justice in Ontario." View Talk Poster. Click for Video.

Wednesday, October 28 - Danielle Thibodeau (program coordinator at Hart House at the University of Toronto) - "How We Teach Values." Click for Video.

Tuesday, September 29 - Howard Edelman (Professor Emeritus in Philosophy at York University) - "Electoral Politics: Indochinese and Syrian Refugee Resettlement in Canada.” Click for Video.

Tuesday, March 10 -
“Righting Wrongs: The evolving role of the Ombudsman in Ontario, Toronto and
 Fiona Crean (Ombudsman, City of Toronto and formerly first Ombudsperson, York University), Nora Farrell (Ombudsman, Ryerson University), John McCamus (York University Ombudsperson and former Dean of Osgoode Hall Law School), Laura Pettigrew (Senior Counsel at the Ontario Ombudsman’s office), Gregory Levine (Former senior counsel in the Ombudsman’s office, British Columbia).
Moderator: Naomi Couto (Coordinator, York Collegium for Practical Ethics)

February 26 - John Maiorano - “Energy Efficiency in Organizations: A Case of Ontario Hospitals."

February 10 - Stacey Berry, MPPAL - “Help Fight Ebola – Persistence andDedication is the Key Ingredient for Creating Real Change.” Click for Windows Video Stream.

January 15 - Wes Cragg (Professor Emeritus of Philosophy and Business, York University) - “Is It Time to Resurrect Social Contract Theory?” Click for Windows Video Stream.

January 13 - Garrett MacSweeney (PhD Candidate, Department of Philosophy, McLaughlin College) - “Corporate Social Responsibility in the Developing World.” Click for Windows Video Stream.


November 25 - Ian Greene (Professor Emeritus of Public Policy and Administration, McLaughlin College) - Book Launch - “The Charter of Rights and Freedoms: 30+ years of Decisions that Shape Canadian Life” (Toronto: James Lorimer, 2014)

November 19 - Valerie Jepson (Integrity Commissioner of Toronto) - “Ethics and Toronto City Council.” Click for Windows Video Stream.

November 13 - Apanel of experts, including Professors Robert Drummond, Ian Greene, Naomi Couto, and Dennis Pilon - “Municipal Elections 2014.” Click for Windows Video Stream.

November 12 -
Ian Stedman (formerly of Office of the Integrity Commissioner of Ontario, Vanier College) - “Encouraging Integrity and Accountability from Ontario’s Elected Officials,”

November 5 - Sidney Linden (Conflict of Interest Commissioner of Ontario) - “Keeping Public Servants Ethical.” Click for Windows Video Stream.

March 20 - Brenda Spotton-Visano (Professor of Economic and Public Policy) - “Fitting in by not Fitting in." Click for Windows Video Stream.

March 4 - Donna Dasko (Advisor to STATS Canada, on the Canadian Census and all its social surveys) - “Women in Canadian Politics”. Click for Windows Video Stream.

February 25 - Alan Young (Professor of Law, Osgoode Hall Law School York University) - “Consensual Crimes and Fundamental Justice.” Click for Windows Video Stream.

February 11 - Lorna Marsden (Professor of Sociology, York University and former member of the House of Senate) - “Countervailing Powers in Parliament: An Inside look at the Senate.” Click for Windows Video Stream.

January 23 - Stephen Newman (Professor of Political Science, York University) -
“A Conflict of Rights? On the Recent Controversy of Religious Accommodation at York.”

January 21 - Faculty Research Profile Series given by Professor Susan Dimock, Professor of Philosophy, Department of Philosophy, York University, McLaughlin College
Windows Video Stream


October 29 - Craig Roxborough (Ethics Consultant, Canadian Medical Association) -
"Protecting the Public: Medical Self-Regulation and Policy.”
Windows Video Stream | Flash Video Stream

October 16 - Gregory J. Levine (Ethics Consultant, Barrister and Solicitor) - “Municipal Conflict of Interest in the Aftermath of the (Rob) Ford Case.” Windows Video Stream | Flash Video Stream

September 20 - Maxwell Cameron (Professor of Political Science and Director of the Centre for the Study of Democratic Institutions (CSDI), University of British Columbia, McLaughlin College - “Strong Constitutions: Why the Erosion of the Separation of Powers Makes us Weak.” Click for Windows Video Stream (player will ask to open).

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Presentations prior to 2013 were sponsored or co-sponsored by the York Centre for Practical Ethics


March 20 - Professor Geoffrey Reaume - "Othering Tracy Latimer: Why Robert Latimer's Day Parole is Wrong."

February 27 - "Ethics Bowl" (Seven teams of York undergraduate students from across various disciplines as well as one guest team from the University of Toronto successfully played off against one another in an exciting evening of ethical case study debates. This was the second event of its kind at York University and the first in Canada that we know of. It was founded, organized and chaired by Dr. Linda Penoyer (Faculty of Health), generously hosted by Calumet College and co-sponsored by The York Centre for Practical Ethics).

February 6 - Professor Suanne Kelman (Ryerson School of Journalism) - “Singing the Blues for TV News”

February 5 - Professor Susan Dimock - "Excuses in Law"


November 27 - Greg Levine - "Government Ethics Law in Canada – The Book: A Discussion."

March 23 - A Panel Discussion with Jacquelyn Burkell (Information & Media Studies, University of Western Ontario), Ian Kerr (Law, University of Ottawa), Valerie Steeves (Criminology, University of Ottawa) - "Radio Frequency Identifications (RFID) and Issues of Privacy."

March 20 - Christina Becker (Diplomate Jungian Analyst and Psychoanalyst) - “Ethical Dimension in Professional Practice: Practical Applications and Daily Dilemmas.”

March 13 - Joanna Chapman (former Councillor for the Town of Dundas, now part of the amalgamated City of Hamilton) - "Doing the Right Thing: the Individual Citizen Promoting Accountability and Ethical Conduct"

February 20 - Vince Di Norcia - "Ethics on the Brain" (A presentation focusing on Neuroscience and Ethics, and the implications of neuroscience research into the neurobiological and social foundations of morality).

January 11 - Professor David Wiesenthal - "The Tri-council Research Ethics code: Solutions and Problems."


November 6 - Professors Ian Greene and David Shugarman - "The Impact of the Gomery Commission Report."

October 12 - David Mullan (City of Toronto's integrity commissioner and the first municipal ethics officer appointed in Canada) - "Ethics at City Hall: The New Integrity Office and Development from Bellamy."

September 14 - Robert Fuller (former president of Oberlin College) - “The Evils of Rankism.”